
The story of Ken Beames and the Linden Observatory has many parts. The history pages outline various aspects of Ken Beames life and engineering works.

Ken Beames

Ken Beames was one of Australia's most remarkable telescope makers of the 1930's, 40's & 50's. Born in 1899 in Gilgandra a farming town in Western New South Wales, Ken lived through the not only some of history's most turbulent times, but also through a period of dramatic technological development. (more...)


At the time of its construction, the Linden telescope - known for a time as the 'Leviathan of Linden' - was the largest amateur instrument in Australia, and the second largest working telescope. (more...)

World War II

During World War II, Ken Beames produced a range of products for the war efort, including Naval sighting telescopes and signal lamp reflectors. (more...)