The Western Sydney Amateur Astronomical Group (WSAAG) was founded in November 1991. Twice a month, WSAAG meet for dark-sky observing at the Linden Observatory.
WSAAG provides a focus for people interested in astronomy to meet and have discussions, participate in night-sky viewing and, generally, have fun. Members come from all walks of life and have a diverse range of interests; some have telescopes and some don't. You don't need to know the sky and you don't need to be a rocket scientist.
WSAAG caters to people with just an interest in astronomy but can also meet the needs of those who have a passion to know a whole lot more. WSAAG members can help you set up and use equipment, and assist you in locating constellations, planets, clusters, nebulae and galaxies. They can also advise you on the purchase of binoculars or your first telescope or, perhaps, building your own telescope. Several members have expertise in astro-imaging and associated software if you require advice on this.
The club meets at the University of Western Sydney, Nepean Centre on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm. The club often has guest speakers who talk about interesting aspects of astronomy for which they have expertise.
For more information about WSAAG and its activities please visit the WSAAG website